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Saturday, July 3, 2010

The recovery seems to be losing its pop - Business - Stocks & economy -

The recovery seems to be losing its pop - Business - Stocks & economy - "The"

Kanjo, Barletta spar over ‘nuts’ | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Kanjo, Barletta spar over ‘nuts’ | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Chicago approves new gun restrictions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall

Chicago approves new gun restrictions :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: City Hall

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy - Payrolls drop by 125K, jobless rate falls - Payrolls drop by 125K, jobless rate falls: "Payrolls"

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding - Yahoo! News

Health overhaul may mean longer ER waits, crowding - Yahoo! News: "Health"

Opponents keep hope alive to kill health reform law - Washington Times

Opponents keep hope alive to kill health reform law - Washington Times: "Opponents"

Health law risks turning away sick -

Health law risks turning away sick -

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

Dollar Plunges After UN Call To Ditch Greenback

Middle class families face a triple whammy

Middle class families face a triple whammy

Friday, July 2, 2010

Obama Explains why Birth Certificates don't matter

Obama: America's Borders 'Just Too Vast' to Secure

Obama: America's Borders 'Just Too Vast' to Secure: "Obama"

NIA ALERT! Recovery slipping into Coma and UN Panel says to Drop the Dollar

Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution


Maggots fall from overhead bin onto passengers flying US Airways, bugs came onboard in spoiled meat

Maggots fall from overhead bin onto passengers flying US Airways, bugs came onboard in spoiled meat: "Maggots" - Obama Pushes for National Standard on Immigration, Urges GOP to Back Overhaul - Obama Pushes for National Standard on Immigration, Urges GOP to Back Overhaul: "Obama"

Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Obama Calls for Pentagon “Civilian Component”

Obama Calls for Pentagon “Civilian Component”

Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters

Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters

National debt soars to highest level since WWII

National debt soars to highest level since WWII

Anti-terrorism drills staged at Washington Metro stations

Anti-terrorism drills staged at Washington Metro stations

Top Republican: Raise Social Security’s retirement age to 70

Top Republican: Raise Social Security’s retirement age to 70

Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf

Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Boy Scout's Snubbed - America c2c- Coast 2 Coast

Boy Scout's Snubbed - America c2c- Coast 2 Coast: "Boy"

Obama on Unemployment %: At least its not 12 or 13 or 15.

WooTV.US Home Of The Conservative Voice - 70 Days of Dawdling

WooTV.US Home Of The Conservative Voice - 70 Days of Dawdling

Quinn outlines cuts to state services

Quinn outlines cuts to state services: "Quinn"

Schwarzenegger orders minimum wage for state workers - Patriotic Resistance

Schwarzenegger orders minimum wage for state workers - Patriotic Resistance: "Schwarzenegger"

Nullification: Interview with a Zombie

Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

Choosing healthy foods now called a mental disorder

BP, the “free market”, and eugenics

BP, the “free market”, and eugenics

Czech Military to Help National Guard Establish “Chemical Warfare Unit” in Texas

Czech Military to Help National Guard Establish “Chemical Warfare Unit” in Texas

Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal

Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal Poll: BP Oil Gusher Evacuation? Poll: BP Oil Gusher Evacuation?

Obama Can Kill American Citizens Anywhere in the World

Obama Can Kill American Citizens Anywhere in the World

Press For Truth Video Report About The G20 Summit Weekend

Press For Truth Video Report About The G20 Summit Weekend

Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says

Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says

Why are Police Abusing Elderly?

Why are Police Abusing Elderly?

FEC Attempts to Shut Down Campaign for Liberty

FEC Attempts to Shut Down Campaign for Liberty

Rider beaten in full view -

Rider beaten in full view -

Epoch Times - Analysis: Media Blackout in the Gulf?

Epoch Times - Analysis: Media Blackout in the Gulf?: "Analysis"

Health Care Law: Obama Administration Works to Meet Deadlines - ABC News

Health Care Law: Obama Administration Works to Meet Deadlines - ABC News: "Health"

US raps on Asian shrimpers' doors after oil spill | Business news | - Houston Chronicle

US raps on Asian shrimpers' doors after oil spill | Business news | - Houston Chronicle: "US" - Cities Discovering an Arizona Boycott May Do More Harm Than Good - Cities Discovering an Arizona Boycott May Do More Harm Than Good: "Cities"

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV -

VA hospital may have infected 1,800 veterans with HIV - "VA"

Treasury lacks staff to monitor bailout funds - Yahoo! News

Treasury lacks staff to monitor bailout funds - Yahoo! News: "Treasury"

Oil spill visits get partisan - Jake Sherman -

Oil spill visits get partisan - Jake Sherman -

King Abdullah wants to wipe Israel and Iran off the map | FP Passport

King Abdullah wants to wipe Israel and Iran off the map | FP Passport: "King"

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd -

Constitution Is Endangered If Kagan OK'd -

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I thought this PJTV Video: "Rocking the Vote: Did DOJ Try to Whitewash Black Panther Intimidation Case?" was interesting and hope you do too.

Rick Santelli Educates Chris Matthews

Santelli Simple Answer to Government Deficit: 'Stop Spending, Stop Spend...

Monday, June 28, 2010

When we die as martyrs - Palestinian Children - School board chair says Massachusetts town will reconsider allowing condoms for all kids - School board chair says Massachusetts town will reconsider allowing condoms for all kids: "School board chair says Massachusetts town will reconsider allowing condoms for all kids"

McChrystal Told the Truth - HUMAN EVENTS

McChrystal Told the Truth - HUMAN EVENTS

Rahm Emanuel 'traded political favours with Rod Blagojevich' - Telegraph

Rahm Emanuel 'traded political favours with Rod Blagojevich' - Telegraph: "Rahm"

Venezuela to nationalize U.S. firm's oil rigs - Yahoo! News

Venezuela to nationalize U.S. firm's oil rigs - Yahoo! News: "Venezuela"

Ill. police revoke 1st Muslim chaplain's post

Ill. police revoke 1st Muslim chaplain's post: "Ill"

Police: Tot who cried during World Cup is killed | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Police: Tot who cried during World Cup is killed | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle: "Police"

Judge: Texas schools can't stop teachers from giving zeros | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Judge: Texas schools can't stop teachers from giving zeros | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle: "Texas"

Obama revises NASA's Bush-era policy blueprint | Texas on the Potomac | - Houston Chronicle

Obama revises NASA's Bush-era policy blueprint | Texas on the Potomac | - Houston Chronicle: "Obama"

House GOP gets a single earmark in Homeland Security spending bill - The Hill's On The Money

House GOP gets a single earmark in Homeland Security spending bill - The Hill's On The Money: "House"

U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions…

U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions…

Is Toxic Corexit Rain Killing Crops in Mississippi?

Is Toxic Corexit Rain Killing Crops in Mississippi?

Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8/G20

Charlie Veitch: Arrested, Tortured, Caged by Toronto Fascist Police at G8/G20

U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions

U.S. government panel now pushing “vaccinations for all!” No exceptions

Financial Reform Bill Will Not Stop the Next Meltdown

Financial Reform Bill Will Not Stop the Next Meltdown

Trash Burn Pits in Afghanistan are Killing Active Duty Military & Veterans

Trash Burn Pits in Afghanistan are Killing Active Duty Military & Veterans

Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries

Iran is Surrounded by US Troops in 10 Countries

USS Carrier Harry Truman Now Officially Just Off Iran, As Israel Allegedly Plotting An Imminent Tehran Raid

USS Carrier Harry Truman Now Officially Just Off Iran, As Israel Allegedly Plotting An Imminent Tehran Raid

Gun Rights Must Be Honored by States, Cities, High Court Rules in 5-4 Vote

Gun Rights Must Be Honored by States, Cities, High Court Rules in 5-4 Vote

Napolitano: ‘You’re Never Going to Totally Seal That Border’

Napolitano: ‘You’re Never Going to Totally Seal That Border’

Clinton’s Solution to BP Oil Gusher: Blow it Up

Clinton’s Solution to BP Oil Gusher: Blow it Up

Police actions questioned following G20 weekend

Police actions questioned following G20 weekend

Mexicans and Illegals Take Over Maywood CA Post Office and Raise Mexican...

Lou Dobbs Show Covers Maywood CA Flag Incident

ALIPAC - Welcome to Maywood, Mexico

ALIPAC - Welcome to Maywood, Mexico: "Welcome"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Freedom Watch - 06/26/10 (part 1)

Patrick Kelly Palos Park Recinct Captain

Patrick has been involved with the Palos Tea Party from the beginning. You go Patrick!!!!!

Young and conservative in the age of Obama

Young and conservative in the age of Obama: "Young"

Go Pat!! He has been active with the Palos Tea Party since it began. He's our future everyone!

Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State

Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State: "Toronto"