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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cornell West Socialist

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames Fairness Doctrine Abolishment for Conservatism Popularity |

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames Fairness Doctrine Abolishment for Conservatism Popularity

CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP - Washington Times

CBO report: Debt will rise to 90% of GDP - Washington Times

Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false

Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income' - Democratic Senator: Health Care Law to Address 'Mal-Distribution of Income': "Law" - Obama Makes Labor Board Appointment During Recess Over GOP Objections - Obama Makes Labor Board Appointment During Recess Over GOP Objections: "FOXNews"

UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral - Times Online

UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral - Times Online

Personal Income Drops Across the Country

Personal Income Drops Across the Country

Personal Income Drops Across the Country

Personal Income Drops Across the Country

They all need to go!

New EU Gestapo Spies On Britons

New EU Gestapo Spies On Britons

Hello Michigan

Hello Michigan: "2010"

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army'

Obamacare prescription: 'Emergency health army': "Schilling"

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stand Up Video

Five Reasons Not to Despair - Rich Lowry on National Review Online

Five Reasons Not to Despair - Rich Lowry on National Review Online: "Lowry"

Breaking: While An Anxious Nation Is Transfixed By The Healthcare Debate, The Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding

Breaking: While An Anxious Nation Is Transfixed By The Healthcare Debate, The Obama Administration Restores ACORN Funding

The American Spectator : Specter Opens Door on White House Felonies

The American Spectator : Specter Opens Door on White House Felonies: "09AM"

November is Coming... | Sign the Petition Today!

November is Coming... Sign the Petition Today!: "345,046 Americans have signed the petition!"

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online

Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online

Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up teen's abortion | KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional

Mother furious after in-school clinic sets up teen's abortion KOMO News - Breaking News, Sports, Traffic and Weather - Seattle, Washington Local & Regional

DHS IG: Immigration plan will bury agency - Washington Times

DHS IG: Immigration plan will bury agency - Washington Times

Gov. Bob McDonnell signs Virginia Health Care Freedom Act | WSLS 10

Gov. Bob McDonnell signs Virginia Health Care Freedom Act WSLS 10

Obama zombies

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames Fairness Doctrine Abolishment for Conservatism Popularity |

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Blames Fairness Doctrine Abolishment for Conservatism Popularity

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds - Washington Times

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds - Washington Times

Para military

The Future Of American Youth: Fascist Uniforms & Paramilitary Training

The Future Of American Youth: Fascist Uniforms & Paramilitary Training: "Paradigm"

Source: Patriot Act May Be Used Against Tea Party Activists

Source: Patriot Act May Be Used Against Tea Party Activists

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chris Dodd's Financial Reform Legislation

March 25, 2010

Dear Sue,

It seems that forcing us to buy health insurance and further increasing their interference in our health care decisions wasn't enough to quench the appetite of big government politicians for even 24 hours.

On Monday, Senator Chris Dodd rammed his "financial reform" legislation through his Senate Banking Committee on a strictly party-line vote.

It's no surprise that Chris Dodd's answer to the economic crisis is the same as his answer to seemingly everything else: give the government more power.

I need you to contact your senators today and make sure they know you are opposed to continuing the same practices that created this latest economic crisis. Before I give you their information, let me tell you a little bit of what Senate leaders have planned for our economy.

Dodd's bill, which should be called the "Fed Empowerment Act," will add more layers of bureaucracy to government. One of its provisions includes creating a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to be housed at the Fed and funded by it.

Apparently, the Connecticut senator expects us to believe that an agency inside the Fed and financed by it will be "independent."

The legislation also includes a new Financial Stability Oversight Council to "monitor" companies that supposedly could become "too big to fail." The Council will have the ability to require nonbank financial companies to be under the Federal Reserve's supervision if the government deems they pose a "risk" to financial stability.

Certain large companies will be expected to submit plans to the government "for their rapid and orderly shutdown" if the company goes under. Failing to submit plans that meet the government's requirements will result in penalties. In the midst of this ongoing economic crisis, money that could have been spent creating jobs and new products will now have to go toward meeting government regulations.

And who knows how many businesses could be targeted and broken up, under the guise of "reform," solely for standing up to the federal government!

In yet another expected move, Dodd's bill strips out a complete Fed audit and allows the Fed to decline to disclose specific information.

It seems our elected officials have nothing better to do than reward themselves with more power for their own failures.

Senator Roland Burris and Senator Richard Durbin need to hear from you today!

Call Senator Roland Burris at (202) 224-2854 and Senator Richard Durbin at (202) 224-2152 and make it clear that you are tired of hearing about the need for more government when big government itself is the problem.

It's time to cut spending, stop printing money out of thin air, and thoroughly audit the Federal Reserve!

Urge them to push for real reform by calling for an up or down, standalone vote on Audit the Fed, S. 604.

Don't let your senators get off easy during their break. Contact their offices and tell them it's time to end government's massive interference in our economy!

In Liberty,

John Tate


March 25, 2010

Dear Sue,

It seems that forcing us to buy health insurance and further increasing their interference in our health care decisions wasn't enough to quench the appetite of big government politicians for even 24 hours.

On Monday, Senator Chris Dodd rammed his "financial reform" legislation through his Senate Banking Committee on a strictly party-line vote.

It's no surprise that Chris Dodd's answer to the economic crisis is the same as his answer to seemingly everything else: give the government more power.

I need you to contact your senators today and make sure they know you are opposed to continuing the same practices that created this latest economic crisis. Before I give you their information, let me tell you a little bit of what Senate leaders have planned for our economy.

Dodd's bill, which should be called the "Fed Empowerment Act," will add more layers of bureaucracy to government. One of its provisions includes creating a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to be housed at the Fed and funded by it.

Apparently, the Connecticut senator expects us to believe that an agency inside the Fed and financed by it will be "independent."

The legislation also includes a new Financial Stability Oversight Council to "monitor" companies that supposedly could become "too big to fail." The Council will have the ability to require nonbank financial companies to be under the Federal Reserve's supervision if the government deems they pose a "risk" to financial stability.

Certain large companies will be expected to submit plans to the government "for their rapid and orderly shutdown" if the company goes under. Failing to submit plans that meet the government's requirements will result in penalties. In the midst of this ongoing economic crisis, money that could have been spent creating jobs and new products will now have to go toward meeting government regulations.

And who knows how many businesses could be targeted and broken up, under the guise of "reform," solely for standing up to the federal government!

In yet another expected move, Dodd's bill strips out a complete Fed audit and allows the Fed to decline to disclose specific information.

It seems our elected officials have nothing better to do than reward themselves with more power for their own failures.

Senator Roland Burris and Senator Richard Durbin need to hear from you today!

Call Senator Roland Burris at (202) 224-2854 and Senator Richard Durbin at (202) 224-2152 and make it clear that you are tired of hearing about the need for more government when big government itself is the problem.

It's time to cut spending, stop printing money out of thin air, and thoroughly audit the Federal Reserve!

Urge them to push for real reform by calling for an up or down, standalone vote on Audit the Fed, S. 604.

Don't let your senators get off easy during their break. Contact their offices and tell them it's time to end government's massive interference in our economy!

In Liberty,

John Tate

Thomas Paine

Health care plan has hearty list of taxes | -

Health care plan has hearty list of taxes - "Health care plan has hearty list of taxes"

Cartoon about America

This kids simple explanation about economics is great

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gordon Brown told to explain why he sold Britain’s gold reserves

Gordon Brown told to explain why he sold Britain’s gold reserves

Rep. Dingell Admits Obamacare Will Eventually “Control the People”

Rep. Dingell Admits Obamacare Will Eventually “Control the People”

Transforming TSA into a Military Intelligence Operation

Transforming TSA into a Military Intelligence Operation

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner

France Ditches Carbon Tax as Strikes, Mass Protests Threaten to Shut Down Country

France Ditches Carbon Tax as Strikes, Mass Protests Threaten to Shut Down Country

Economic Stimulus Bill May Give J.P. Morgan a Tax Refund of $1.4 Billion

Economic Stimulus Bill May Give J.P. Morgan a Tax Refund of $1.4 Billion

Health bill may exempt top Hill staffers - Erika Lovley and Patrick O'Connor -

Health bill may exempt top Hill staffers - Erika Lovley and Patrick O'Connor -

New York City's Green Police Crack the Eco-Friendly Whip--Watch Out! : Planet Green

New York City's Green Police Crack the Eco-Friendly Whip--Watch Out! : Planet Green

Posted using ShareThis

Part 2 of SEIU

Here's the SEIU in action !!!

Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

Dr. Leviathan Will See You Now

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It just keeps rolling! No restrictions on the FED???

Federal Reserve Power Grab Bill Moves to Senate

Federal Reserve Power Grab Bill Moves to Senate

After Sunday....

As Representative Boehner stood before the house expressing the sentiments of so many Americans, emotions I had protected for so many months came flooding out. I felt a deep rooted sadness for America and all the men and women who fought for this country beginning at its inception. The many who pledged an oath of service to the United States Constitution while serving America, was nullified within 15 minutes following the vote last night on government run healthcare. I feel a heavy burden for America, for I did not do enough to fight for her. I hid behind others who had the fortitude to stand on the front line leading the way. For those who were like me, I can only hope that we now join these patriots at all costs, be it life or death. Our jobs, social status, personal property and families will mean nothing without true unalienable rights, liberties and the ability to pursue happiness.-

I applaud our republican representatives for standing firm against this healthcare bill even knowing that defeat was eminent but never-the-less they never gave up. My heart goes out to and thanks the many individuals and organizations that relentlessly fought against this healthcare bill foreseeing the ramifications for the tax- paying middle class Currently, there are about 75 federal welfare programs costing each tax-paying household $6,000.00 annually. Approximately 12 percent of our nation is below the poverty level and 17.7 percent are on a retirement income. According to Bill Herrfeldt, eHow contributing writer, welfare expenditures are greater than the gross national product. There are 2.3 million low income families not including 50 million senior citizens receiving social security.

When do We the Tax Paying People say enough is enough? We are doing more than our share in helping others in need. The government is like Robin Hood stealing from the rich, except we aren’t the rich, but we are paying for the poor and the very rich We the People are paying for the short sell credit derivatives, continual printing of fiat money, financial bubble creations, and super senior tranches that off shore banks, the Federal Reserve and some of our big banks have been doing. We are paying for these ponzi financial schemes supported by our federal government paid with our hard earned money. You will need to do your own research about derivatives and induced financial bubbles, by individuals who can better explain economics than I can. Roughly 20% of those supporting this healthcare bill are on some form of welfare while 51% of us who pay taxes opposed it. Make sure to figure in the illegal aliens when figuring percentages(not included in the 20%).

Our tax money goes to bail out countries all over the world, to bail out our car industry, banking industry and now the insurance industry thanks to healthcare reform. Most of our manufacturing have moved oversees due to multiple regulations and restrictions imposed on them by our government. I say our public officials have had too good a time spending our money. Are we not intelligent enough to know how to take care of ourselves and our communities? I say to hell with government? I say the time for rallies and phone calls are over. We must move toward the next step of protest. This requires all of us whether individually or collectively to file law suits, petitions of redress followed by formal instructions to federal and state legislatures, through the court system. Let’s look into impeachments of officials and judges who do not honor constitutional law. Our state officials need to usurp the laws of the federal government as a direct and unconstitutional violation of the 10th amendment, referred to as states’ rights. Unfortunately, court cases could take a long time causing a lot of dust to settle and people to return to a somewhat normal existence and in time resign themselves. Let’s refuse to pay any money to any form of government because the government now has permission to invade our bank accounts thanks to the healthcare bill. We will than need to pull our money out of bank and saving accounts. Maybe we should go back to trading and purchasing strictly in coin. We will need to start unorganized local, county and state militias as stated in the constitution. Don’t look upon these militias as strictly war faring groups but groups that come to the aid of our police, fireman, Fema and community during times of disaster or despair. For don’t we know our community best? If we become self sufficient, we will no longer look to government for a majority of our needs except in times of outside threats of devastation to this country. I say keep your money government and stay out of our lives. I say, we not recognize any statutes regarding our purse or anyone else’s purse.

I am going to be the brave one to say this out loud because no one wants to think this let alone say it but we may need to use the power of the sword to defend this country. As Michael Badnarik has said, you have three choices: to live free, to fight for freedom or become a slave. Obama and his cronies have won this battle but we have yet to meet on the battlefield of justice, money and the sword. Though we may be running out of time, we must look upon our Lord for patience, fortitude, insight and guidance during these trying times. We the People must never give in. We must take our country back. We the People must honor our fore-fathers principles and doctrines. We the People must say NO to European ideals and programs, for we are Americans. We are that shining light on the hill that must never be extinguished! Never! Sue

Tea Party Movie Part 1

Tea Party in DC

Older Americans Out of Work

Older Americans Out of Work

The Hal Lindsey Report

The Hal Lindsey Report

Monday, March 22, 2010 » Congressman Stages Floor Rant Against Beck, Limbaugh, Malkin & ‘Teabaggers’ » Congressman Stages Floor Rant Against Beck, Limbaugh, Malkin & ‘Teabaggers’ » Congressman Stages Floor Rant Against Beck, Limbaugh, Malkin & ‘Teabaggers’ » Congressman Stages Floor Rant Against Beck, Limbaugh, Malkin & ‘Teabaggers’ » GOOOH: Citizen Movement Looks to Replace All 435 House Members » GOOOH: Citizen Movement Looks to Replace All 435 House Members

False Flag Imminent?

False Flag Imminent?

British Police State Kicks Into High Gear

British Police State Kicks Into High Gear

Lebanese army fires on Israeli jets

Lebanese army fires on Israeli jets

Income Redistribution: New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’

Income Redistribution: New Taxes for Health Care Help Obama ‘Spread the Wealth Around’

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

Brown Peddles State Controlled Web Under Auspices of “Social Justice”

Idaho Leads State Revolt Against Naked Body Scanners

Idaho Leads State Revolt Against Naked Body Scanners

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

Ron Paul: IRS Will Steal More Money To Fund Health Care

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thousands of Doctors May Quit Medicine Over Obamacare

Thousands of Doctors May Quit Medicine Over Obamacare

Nearly one-third of physicians in the U.S. could leave the medical profession after Obama’s healthcare reform plan becomes law, according to a survey published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

In the survey, 29.2 percent of practicing physicians said they would quit practicing medicine or retire early if faced with the healthcare reform.

“What many people may not realize is that health reform could impact physician supply in such a way that the quality of healthcare could suffer,” said Jim Stone, a managing partner with The Medicus Firm, a national physician search company that conducted the survey.

But just 3.6 percent of those polled said they prefer the status quo and feel the healthcare system does not need an overhaul.

“Allow me to emphasize that 96 percent of the physicians surveyed in our report are in favor of health reform, in some form or fashion,” Andrea Santiago, a spokeswomen for The Medicus Firm, told CNSNews. “To me, the fact that so many physicians surveyed want health reform, but relatively few are in favor of the current legislation, was one of the most significant, telling results.”

Other findings of the survey include:

28.7 percent of physicians favor a public option.

46.3 percent of primary care physicians — family medicine and internal medicine — feel that health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.

36 percent of physicians would not recommend medicine as a career.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 661,400 physicians and surgeons in the U.S. in 2008.

Editor's Note:

Special: Glenn Beck's 'Common Sense' — Just Pay Shipping


Hello Michigan: Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points

Hello Michigan: Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points

This article was first published in the January, 1946, issue of a periodical named American Affairs

This article was first published in the January, 1946, issue of a periodical named American Affairs: "OBSOLETE"

Latest Unemployment Numbers: Shoveling Snow?

Latest Unemployment Numbers: Shoveling Snow?: "?"

Social Security’s Nest Egg is Officially Cracked

Social Security’s Nest Egg is Officially Cracked: "Tuesday, 16 March 2010 10:20"

Social Security’s Nest Egg is Officially Cracked

Social Security’s Nest Egg is Officially Cracked: "Tuesday, 16 March 2010 10:20"

Fed Loses Secrecy Suit, Considering Options

Fed Loses Secrecy Suit, Considering Options: "Fed Loses Secrecy Suit, Considering Options"

Privatization | Downsizing the Federal Government

Privatization Downsizing the Federal Government: "Privatization"

Special-Interest Spending | Downsizing the Federal Government

Special-Interest Spending Downsizing the Federal Government: "Spending"

Government Cost Overruns | Downsizing the Federal Government

Government Cost Overruns Downsizing the Federal Government: "Overruns"

To Kill ACORN, Kill the Programs | Downsizing the Federal Government

To Kill ACORN, Kill the Programs Downsizing the Federal Government: "Programs"

Greece to Privatize, We Should Too | Downsizing the Federal Government

Greece to Privatize, We Should Too Downsizing the Federal Government: "Should"

Public Housing and Rental Subsidies | Downsizing the Federal Government

Public Housing and Rental Subsidies Downsizing the Federal Government: "Subsidies"

Department of Housing and Urban Development | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Housing and Urban Development Downsizing the Federal Government: "Development"

Agricultural Regulations and Trade Barriers | Downsizing the Federal Government

Agricultural Regulations and Trade Barriers Downsizing the Federal Government: "Barriers"

Department of Agriculture | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Agriculture Downsizing the Federal Government: "Agriculture"

Department of Commerce | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Commerce Downsizing the Federal Government: "Commerce"

Department of Energy | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Energy Downsizing the Federal Government: "Energy"

Department of Education | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Education Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Education | Downsizing the Federal Government

Department of Education Downsizing the Federal Government

Civilian employee compensation

Chart: Civilian Employee Compensation Costs

Civilian employees by department

Chart: Civilian Employees by Department or Agency

Number of subsidy programs

Chart: Number of Subsidy Programs

Federal aid to states

Chart: Federal Aid to the States by Department or Agency

Federal spending per department 2010

Chart: Spending by Department

Federal spending per household in 2010

Chart: Federal Spending per Household

Downsizing the Federal Government

Downsizing the Federal Government: "Agriculture"

Media Lying About Racist Attacks on Black Reps By Tea Party Protesters…VIDEO PROOF

Media Lying About Racist Attacks on Black Reps By Tea Party Protesters…VIDEO PROOF

Finally there's hope for mainstream media!!